
IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

  Emerald Jade Artist: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III A poem composed by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, which has five characters to each line, translates as follows: “Green jade of watery tone; what a treasure among majestic gemstones. Not stored even in celestial mountains; painting skills opened the wonderful door to it.” This poem lifts the veil covering the features of this striking emerald green faux jade that has a watery tone. It is as if it had just emerged from the bottom of a heavenly lake. Water seems to linger on its surface and permeate deeply, layer by layer. With refracting, penetrating sunlight, this jadeite is even more heartwarming. Real jadeite like this in the size of only the mouth of a bowl would be as precious as the Jade of He (probably the most famous piece of jade in Chinese history, unearthed more than 2,700 years ago). However, this emerald jade before you was created by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III using the “Chaoshi” style of painting. It is a gigantic piec...



羅漢世界 其實,這張照片拍攝到的不是上帝居住的地方。上帝,又稱“帝釋” 或“玉皇大帝”,居住在仙界天國忉利天,而這張照片拍到的,是“中天羅漢世界”。


在 世界和平獎 頒獎期間,一位祖籍馬來西亞的商人將位於華府高級住宅區的一棟室 內面積一萬平方英呎、有兩英畝花園的豪宅供養第三世多杰羌佛,第三世多杰羌佛當場拒收,並批上永遠不受分文的文字;有一個人派他的仁波且弟子帶隨行四人來作供養,並寫下供養書兩億五千萬美金,要供養第三世多杰羌佛,第三世多杰羌佛照常拒收,分文不受,因為在前一天我們知道他帶了很多東西來供養,就把這整個現場過程作了錄影;另有人見第三世多杰羌佛不收供養,把紅包放在第三世多杰羌佛座前就走了,有的紅包上不留名字,無論留名不留名,凡此類情況,均是由寺廟接收此紅包收入公眾賬戶,第三世多杰羌佛根本看都不看一眼,這種崇高無私的道德佛境前無古人。 典擊以下連結閱讀完整文章 世界和 平獎

strong man realization power

strong man realization power True Buddha Dharma Factually Manifests Realization Power, False Buddha Dharma is all about Empty Talks of Theories. Elderly Holy Guru Kaichu Jiaozun who is almost 90 years old lifted a 200-pound Vajra Pestle from the ground and held it for seven seconds before placing it onto the Platform.


真正的修行 今天你這個仁波切為大眾請法「什麼叫修行?」這是非常基礎的第一課,但也是許多修行人乃至長年修行者沒有學懂而迷離顛倒的大事。人身難得, ...


真正的修行 今天你這個仁波切為大眾請法「什麼叫修行?」這是非常基礎的第一課,但也是許多修行人乃至長年修行者沒有學懂而迷離顛倒的大事。人身難得, ...